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Christchurch Tutoring with Cluey

If your child is in Years 3 to 11 and needs help with English, or Maths, try Cluey Learning today.

Primary, Secondary and Senior students

Private tutoring for school students in Christchurch

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Expert tutoring

Highly skilled tutors that are friendly, patient and relatable.

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Quality content

Quality content designed by education professionals in English and Maths.

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Delivered face-to-face online - so you can relax at home while they learn.

Help them achieve their best at school

Our Christchurch tutors love to help students reach their full potential.

With expert tutoring and our customised educational programmes, your student can catch up, keep up or exceed their peers with our assistance.

And all while feeling happy, engaged and motivated to learn.

School student at his desk writing

Cluey sessions make your week easier too

Ever felt helpless in being able to work out homework problems or explain complex concepts to your student?

With Cluey, your children can get the help they need without having to leave the house, through personalised, 1-to-1 tutoring sessions.

Whether it’s from the kitchen bench, the study or even their homework desk, as long as they have an internet connection and a computer or tablet, they’ll be able to learn.

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No strangers in your home.

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No rushing to tidy up.

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No traffic.

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No having to wait in the car.

How do Cluey tutoring sessions works?


Explaining what they’re going to learn and how it works.


They’ll show how to apply it.

Worked examples

Your student will then try it themselves with guidance.

Our goal? Identical to yours.

Let’s find the right programme for you

How does our approach to learning work?

Tailored tutoring with a plan

The learning programme

Structured around your child's individual needs and goals, our learning programmes adapt over time to build confidence and offer the right help at the right time.

Quality content

  • Developed by our experienced education team, the content in our learning programmes is structured according to your child's skill level and individual needs.
  • We use a range of approaches to meet the needs of different students. Our approach is always clear and unambiguous, and designed to help your child thrive.
Meet our education team

Tutoring sessions

  • Live, face-to-face and online
  • Expert tutors matched to your child's needs
  • Demonstration, guided exercises and reviews
  • Designed to be fun and engaging
View session breakdown
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View Primary Tutoring Session

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View Secondary Tutoring Session


Practice exercises

Optional practice questions and exercises to work through between sessions.


Regular reporting

Feedback after every session helps you keep track of your child's progress.

tutoring session
Flexibility to suit busy family schedules

Learn from home (or anywhere) via our online platform.


Schedule sessions when they suit you, between 7am and 10pm, 7 days per week.


Reschedule easily when things get busy

Consistent learning leads to progress that matters

From step one to step done, we're with your child for their entire learning journey.


Session recordings allow your child to revise at any time.


Progress reports ensure your child is getting the right help at the right pace.


Guided tutoring helps your child realise their potential.

learning with cluey graph

Let's build a learning programme for

Meet some of our experts tutoring Christchurch students



Meet some of our 2,521+ expert English tutors

Our tutors are all qualified teachers, exceptional NCEA achievers or experts in their respective fields.

Cluey tutor



English: Primary, Intermediate & Secondary

Maria has 18 years of experience teaching English as a Second Language, both face to face and online. She has experience with students from diverse backgrounds and with varying levels of knowledge. Maria is a committed and enthusiastic Teacher with a passion for language and literature.

Cluey tutor



Mathematics: Primary, Intermediate & Secondary

English: Primary & Intermediate

Rachel is a qualified teacher. Sha has vast experience both with Primary and Secondary students. Rachel enjoys breaking down concepts to their simplest forms so students can better understand and retain the knowledge.

Cluey tutor


Tutor (BA Linguistics)

English: Primary, Intermediate & Secondary

Lori completed her Bachelor's degree in Linguistics in 1998. In 2010 she completed her Bachelor of Law & Graduate Diplomas in Legal Practice at Charles Darwin University. In 2010 she commenced studying her TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers Of another Language) Certificate. Lori has worked for over 20 years assisting people aged 15-64 years with skills needed to enter or return to mainstream education. Lori is confident in building relationships with a variety of students, identify their needs and solving these needs with acquired expertise and mentorship.

Meet some of our 2,521+ expert Maths tutors

Our tutors are all qualified teachers, exceptional NCEA achievers or experts in their respective fields.

Cluey tutor


University Student (Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Arts)

Mathematics: Primary & Intermediate

English: Primary, Intermediate & Secondary

Clare completed the Victorian Certificate of Education in 2018, achieving an ATAR of 96.75. She commenced her Bachelor of Science/Arts at Monash University in 2019 and is working as a casual relief teacher with Years 3-7 in Literacy. Clare has a great passion for teaching others and believes that it is important to create a fun environment where students feel safe to make mistakes and ask questions.

Cluey tutor



Mathematics: Primary, Intermediate & Secondary

Rodney is a qualified Teacher. He is patient and employs various methods of teaching to ensure students grasp the necessary concepts. Rodney believes in fostering a positive and encouraging learning environment and feels with the right support, students can reach their potential.

Cluey tutor


University Student (Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Diploma in Professional Engineering Practice)

Mathematics: Primary, Intermediate & Secondary

Kajel has completed her Diploma in Professional Engineering Practice and commenced her Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in 2020 at the University of Technology, Sydney. She has taken part in peer tutoring at her high school in Legal Studies, Mathematics Advanced, English Advanced and Business Studies to Year 11 students. Kajel is passionate about English and Mathematics, and always tries her best to adapt her teaching style to cater to each student.

Looking For More?

Here are some of our frequently asked questions to help you out.

You can enrol directly on our website through our online enrolment process. During this process, we’ll ask you a few simple questions and recommend a learning programme to suit your needs. If you have any questions, you can contact our Learning Advisors on 0800 005 370 or

Yes. Our Education Team maps all our content to the New Zealand Curriculum. All content is relevant to your child’s school syllabus and what they’re covering in the classroom.

Yes, for 1-to-1 programmes. During your child’s first Cluey session your tutor will gauge their level of skills and knowledge and identify any strengths and weaknesses they have. We then customise a personalised learning plan for the student, tailored to their areas of need.  This plan is updated after every learning session.

You don’t need any special software or downloads for your Cluey Learning tutoring sessions, just a laptop or computer with an internet connection, audio and a web cam. We provide everything else. The sessions are always live, in real time and interactive. 

The Cluey platform runs on Windows or Mac desktop and laptop computers. In addition, a mouse, camera, microphone and speaker are required. A digital pen may also be useful. Our platform doesn’t yet work on mobile devices.

When you enrol, we’ll send you a link to our learning platform, and run some tests to make sure everything’s working before your first online session.

Minimum system requirements for running the Cluey platform:

Windows computers

Windows 10 (Windows 10, 8.1, 8, or 7)
1 GHz processor

Firefox – Latest version
Chrome – Latest version

Mac computers

Mac OS X 10.9
1 GHz Intel processor (Core 2 Duo)

Firefox – Latest version
Chrome – Latest version

Generally, children of all ages respond very well working with their personal tutor on our online platform as most of them already use similar the technology at school. Our personalised approach and regular reporting after each session provide students (and parents) with confidence. You can also track your child’s progress and engagement through session recordings, available via a private link that we can email to you.

In most cases, it’s even better! In addition to high quality tutors, live online face-to-face sessions and personalised content, our A.I platform measures every interaction we have with a student – ensuring a consistent, quality experience for our students. Access to regular reports and video recordings means you’re always across your child’s progress.   You also have flexibility and control over when you have your tutoring sessions.

Every tutoring session is designed to be very interactive with their private expert tutor guiding the student through theory, worked examples and practice questions. Integrated video and audio communication is two way, which is the most effective method of learning. Our tutoring platform encourages high levels of engagement and focus for children of all ages.

It depends on what the student needs and the individualised learning programme that we design. Our flexibility means you can step-up the number of sessions when there is an immediate need, and reduce frequency when required.   You have several options, including whether you pay-as-you-go or purchase a package of sessions. And we never make you commit to any long term contracts. Once we understand your child’s needs, we help you work out the best package that will work for you.

Yes, you can start by committing only to two sessions. But keep in mind that a reasonable part of the first session revolves around getting to know your tutor, introducing the platform and learning content, and your tutor understanding your needs. The first session is less content intensive than subsequent sessions, hence students should do at least two sessions to start with. Regardless, you are never locked into a long term contract at Cluey Learning and you can choose to have as much or as little tutoring as you desire.

It depends on your child’s learning needs and their current level of knowledge. We recommend once a week to start with and reassessing as your child progresses.

You can schedule sessions anytime between 7am and 10pm, Monday to Sunday. 

Yes. You can change your session times, as well as pause or cancel sessions, by logging into your Cluey Hub.

You’ll be able to reschedule your session free of charge if you do so at least 48 hours before it starts. Any sessions rescheduled with less than 48 hours’ notice will incur the full charge.

Any content you were due to cover will automatically move to your next session. As long as you give us at least 48 hours’ notice, we won’t charge you for missing a session. Any sessions missed with less than 48 hours’ notice will incur the full charge.

Primary 1-to-1 programmes start with a “kick-off” session which enables us to gauge where we should start each student’s programme. Similarly, for secondary students we can start their programme with a discovery session to place them in the correct module. As the lessons progress, your tutor, supported by our learning platform, determines where your child is at in each area. For 1-to-1 learning programmes, they personalise the learning plan and upcoming tutoring sessions specifically to meet their needs. We refer to this as continuous assessment.

After each tutoring session, your tutor will share a report highlighting topics covered in the session, areas your child did well in or needed extra help with, and their overall progress. You can access these reports and session recordings at any time. If you have any concerns, you can discuss these with the tutor at the start or end of a session, or speak with our Customer Care team.

Our tutors include teachers, top achievers and subject matter experts who are located throughout New Zealand and Australia. Before becoming a Cluey tutor, every tutor goes through a rigorous selection process to ensure we recruit the best people, with only 6% of tutors who apply making the grade. Thereafter, we train, support, develop and constantly review our tutors to ensure they provide consistently good quality teaching that’s right for your child.

Once we’ve matched the student to the best available tutor, our team can provide you with specific information on that tutor.  You can also read about our tutors on our website.

We aim to book the same Cluey tutor for each session. If your tutor is on leave or your availability changes, we’ll match you with another suitable tutor and update them on your child’s progress. We keep in touch regularly to discuss your tutor preferences, and any potential changes.

Although we’d all love to be responsible for the next baby Mozart, our programmes are very specifically designed to build your child’s confidence in their abilities and help them reach their (personal) potential. This might well be top marks in the state. Or it could be good marks achieved with pride. Either way, our goal is to instil a love of learning in every one of our students, so that they’ll continue to do it for the rest of their lives.

We’ve helped families around New Zealand

From catching up, building confidence and excelling in school, parents and students alike agree that Cluey works.


82% of Cluey parents agree their child’s grades have improved


85% of Cluey parents agree their child is more confident

Cluey is helping students all over New Zealand

Read reviews

Innovative platform and tailored tutoring

“Cluey online tutoring has helped my son to re-engage with Maths and English after a period of missing school. The tutors are respectful, patient and supportive and have helped him to be more confident in his abilities. The sessions start with setting of goals and ends with a review from tutor and student. The one-on-one face-to-face session format in the comfort of our home have been a godsend.”


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